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TBS 6894 Signal Variation across tuners

PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:38 pm
by charaldan
Hi I have built a new HTPC and installed in it a 6894 which I am using with Mediaportal. The first card I installed was on an ASUS E45M1-I mobo but there was variation showing across all four tuners Tuners A & B would always show around 90% strength 80% quality and Tuners C & D 40% strength and 5% quality (using the TBS IPDATA App. This was replicated even when I switched the LNB linefeeds that had been on A&B to C&D (and vice versa) A&B still showed at the 90 & 80% quality whilst C&D were still rooted in 40 & 5%. As an additional check I hooked up the line feeds to a Humax HDR 500 which showed all four LNB feeds (all from seperate ports on an octoLNB -no splitters) at 95% strength and quality. Then I used a sat signal tester which confirmed the Humax results. So assuming I had a faulty card I returned it and got a replacement. The replacement I put in a different box with an ASROCK A75 M-ITX mobo and guess what ? The problem is replicated C&D continually show poor signal test results despite having changes of LNB feed and MOBO. All LNB feeds have again been double checked and are showing at 95% strength and quality. The only constant between the two was that both boxes were running O/S Win 7 Ultimate 64. The ASUS mobo had 8gb RAM and the ASRock Mobo 16GB ram. Am I just unlucky??

Re: TBS 6894 Signal Variation across tuners

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:59 pm
by steven
Hi charaldan

Is Tuner C and Tuner D work ok?can be locked or watch TV ok?

Kind Regards
