Hi all Good news that TBS 6301 HDMI Capture card released now , more information you can check here : https://www.tbsiptv.com/asi--capture-card/tbs6301-hdmi-hd-capture-card the user guide : https://www.tbsiptv.com/download/tbs6301/TBS6301_User_Guide.pdf How to use with our MOIPro-AMD : https://www.t...
Can you tell us the parameters you used to scan ? And you can set a remote connection and send your remote connection information to our support we will help you have a remote check
Hi all Some of our users want to know the detail steps to install the driver. here is the detail steps: you can open the AMD files system with samba : in linux : smb://MOIPro-AMDIP such as smb:// in windows : \\MOIPro-AMDIP such as \\ then put our latest driver : http://www...
Hi you can do like this: 1.ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/* /etc/localtime create a file such as root write the following command to it 0 6 * * * /sbin/shutdowm -r now place the file to /var/spool/cron/crontab folder #chmod 777 /var/spool/cron/crontab/root 0 6 * * * /sbin/shutdowm -r now it means it will...