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Need hostapd dnsmasq and iptables

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:20 pm
by riedelralf
Hi guys, it would be nice to have some tools coming along with this Moipro (imxq6 Matrix V2.1 inside):
- to establish an Accesspoint and do not use the single Gigabit port for maintaining as well - just streaming
- hostapd, dnsmasq, iptables needed
- midnight commander would be a very helpfull tool
- HTOP as well
- parallel independent working of eth0 and wlan0
- installable OPKG's to download from you repo - which doesn't really work:
[root@moipro /tmp]# opkg update
Downloading ... //Packages.
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download ... //Packages: HTTP response code said error.

An updated cross compiler and release notes would be nice:
is quite old and the cross compile tool is 3 Month old as well.

Thx in advance ;-)