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TBS 6983 Low and High SRs

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:18 pm
by sato
The TBS 6983 card is the best card so far and as hard core DXers me (Sato) and Peon (aka Onacila) would like to prove the card`s capability on the following examples. We test our hardware to the maximum on various bands as we can cover C (3.4-4.2 + 4.5-4.8 GHz), Ku (10.75-12.75 GHz) and Ka (18.2-22.2 GHz) plus X band (7.25-7.75 GHz hardware is ready).

Anyway, with TBS 6983 on Windows 7 (32 bit) the lowest SR we have been able to get so far is SR 128 and the highest is SR 65441 KS/s.
Both stable and hassle free on a 2.5m prime focus dish by using XMW 9216HDF (Ka band) and NJR 2842S (Ku band) LNBs.
The SR 139 KS/s has been received in C band by using a Norsat 8115F LNB.
I guess these are current limits in orbit at the moment, but definitely not of the TBS 6983 card!
If there`s anything under or above those SRs, I`ll post screenshost here asap.

Additional details can be found on or where our and other DXers` updates are posted.

Peon & Sato

Eutelsat 16A @ 16E 21564 H SR 128.jpg
Eutelsat 16A @ 16E 21564 H SR 128

Intelsat 902 @ 62E 62E C-band low SR scan.jpg
Intelsat 902 @ 62E 62E C-band low SR scan

Eutelsat 8West B @ 8W 4153 LHCP SR 60000.jpg
Eutelsat 8West B @ 8W 4153 LHCP SR 60000

Eutelsat 8West B @ 8W 4153 LHCP SR 60000 Multistream + T2-MI.jpg
Eutelsat 8West B @ 8W 4153 LHCP SR 60000 Multistream + T2-MI

TBS 6983 - Band scan for SR 65441.jpg
Band scan for the highest SR 65441 (freq. 11752)

TBS 6983 - SR 65441 details.jpg
The highest SR 65441 on freq. 11752 details

Re: TBS 6983 Low and High SRs

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:23 pm
by sato
Here`s one more example how brilliant the TBS 6983 is.
The screenshot is from reception of Eutelsat 12 West A @ 12.5W, frequency 12555 Vertical. TV signal is usually transmitted in CCM mode (so called Coding Mode) and ACM/VCM is mostly seen for data transmission, when 16-32 APSK modulation is used.
This picture is a perfect example of a "multistandard" transmission when several modes are used at the same time (ACM VCM + MIS) and a brilliant card design that can handle all these requirements without any problems. Simply superb!

Eutelsat 12 West A @ 12.5W  -  ACM VCM + MIS.jpg
Eutelsat 12 West A @ 12.5W, 12555 V - ACM VCM + MIS

Re: TBS 6983 Low and High SRs

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:02 pm
by sato
Reception details of the highest SR 65441 received by TBS 6983 has been added to the first page.

Peon and Sato

Re: TBS 6983 Low and High SRs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 1:47 pm
by chistera
Hello everyone
here I have a card tbs 6983 with 2 entered sat I am under dvbdream 3.6 I can not conectre my 2 antenna at a time could you tell me the procedure to follow or tuto thanks