Hi all
Some of our users want to know the detail steps to install the driver. here is the detail steps:
you can open the AMD files system with samba :
in linux : smb://MOIPro-AMDIP such as smb://
in windows : \\MOIPro-AMDIP such as \\
then put our latest driver :
to /opt/driver/folder , delete all files in this folder before you put the driver .
In Options->Install dvbc/s or dvbt/s card driver page:
Then press the installdvbc/s or installdvbt/s button ,after press wait about 10 minutes.it will show success install message press ok it will reboot your AMD to load the new driver .
Another new way If you are familiar with SSH you can using these command :
First login to your MOIPro-AMD with SSH user name and password root / 123456
1.wget http://www.tbsdtv.com/download/document/common/tbs-linux-drivers_v160630.zip
2.unzip tbs-linux-drivers_v160630.zip
3. tar jxvf linux-tbs-drivers.tar.bz2
4. cd linux-tbs-drivers
5. ./v4l/tbs-x86_64.sh
6. make -j4
7.make install
1.wget http://www.tbsdtv.com/download/document/common/tbs-linux-drivers_v160630.zip
2.unzip tbs-linux-drivers_v160630.zip
3. tar jxvf linux-tbs-drivers.tar.bz2
4. cd linux-tbs-drivers
5. ./v4l/tbs-x86_64.sh
6. /v4l/tbs-dvbc-x86_64.sh
7. make -j4
8.make install
If you still have problem to install the driver please contact us we will help you about this.
Kind Regards