hi, we're planning major update for 3.0 - for the 3.0 release we will sync our package to the latest V4L, i.e. switched to newer remote control infrastructure as it was mentioned in the forum. however, i think 3.0 update is at least one month away, because we want to make drivers for all our new products before the update - today we released Linux drivers for the new TBS 6922, 8922, 5922 and 6928. so, as you can see our support of Linux continue to be dedicated as always and i believe 3.0 will resolve many problems, because of which we currently keep the V4L base in our package older and thus make the support better.
sami8519 Wrote:I am not happy with the tbs linux driver development. They should make their drivers part of linux kernel just like other
manufacturers do, Period. We are always lagging behind the latest kernel for 1-2 months and when
it eventually comes a new kernel is released so actually we are never in sync with the latest kernel and always afraid from upgrading!
Why all this pain to use a hardware that we bought? I will never buy another tbs product until their drivers become free source
and encourage all linux enthusiasts to do the same because linux is all about freedom.
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