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Feedback for TBS IR Software current version (V1.0.0.8)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:11 pm
by 85k
I have bought TBS6281 and got it working. In the beginning I had problems with the Remote Control, but have finally managed to get things working 90 % the way I want.

I found great help from:

1) Software is good and it doesn't take too much memory. For me it uses ~5 - 8 megs. BACKSPACE, ESC, SPACE and TAB can't be assigned without modifying the XML-files, but it has been promised that the support for those keys will be added in the next version. (See topic linked above.)

2) When I began to use the software, I thought that it will automatically swap between profiles and look for the running *.EXE with the same name as the profile. After fiddling around for a while, I found out that the profiles must be chosen manually.

I had already configured some profiles, but when I noticed that only one profile can be used automatically, I switched the tactics. Currently, I have three programs (DVBViewer, WMPlayer & VirtualDub) of for I need the remote, so I was able to make a universal profile that works for all of those three pieces of software.

For people who need the remote for more programs, things will be harder. I hope that autoprofile feature will be added in the future for IR Software and I also hope that the program will stay well optimized and will have a low memory usage in the future, too.

3) Power button is currently useless. Whatever keys I try to assign to it, it will only pop up Taskbar and Start-Menu manager. I hope this will get fixed in the future, too.

4) Currently, it is not possible to launch applications with the remote. I have tried to make keyboard shortcuts for programs like DVBViewer, but they will only work with keyboard and not with remote at all. This is strange, because TBS VHID will input keyboard-shortcuts and everything else works great... and I haven't tested this with Power button only.

Currently it is possible to put icons to the quicklaunch on taskbar and assign keys for Start-Menu (CTRL+ESC) and TAB for launching programs with the TBS Remote.

Like I said, I have managed to make a good configuration that works, but it would be great news to get improved versions in the future of this good piece of software.

Thank you.

Re: Feedback for TBS IR Software current version (V1.0.0.8)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:11 pm
by BrianG61UK is released.
But it seems just as retarded and broken as the previous version.
I find it impossible to use.
The person who wrote TBS VHID clearly KNOWS NOTHING about writing Windows software.