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Work with TbsCIapi.dll

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:40 pm
by slavarec
Hi everybody!
Trying to use raw BDA-methods (Win 7 Pro x64, Qt/C++) to work with tuners TBS 6991 on KazSat 3 58.5°East! Setting (run graph, tune request) is successful, the signal quality is 100%, but I see only free (not encrypted) programs! Directshow-graph is in attach.
Console log after calling StartCI is looks like this:
@@@@@@On_Start_CI !
dll: TunerFilter TBS6991 A !
tbs PCI-E On_InitTuner !!!!!
@@@@@@On_Start_CI Init Ok *********!

So here are the questions:
1. When to call StartCI: before graph-filters are connected, after graph-filters are connected but before run graph, after run graph but before tunerequest submitted, after tunerequest is submitted?
2. When to call sendPmt: before run graph, before tuneRequest is submitted, after tuneRequest is submitted?
3. What version of PMT is correct for sendPmt (see attached I try all of them, but none has been able to decrypt!

Please, help!

P.S. TBSViewer and DVBDream work fine (decrypt programs)!

Re: Work with TbsCIapi.dll

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:04 pm
by slavarec
Ok, i've got it! Problem was in PMT, I had to use API Monitor to view the transmitted data to sendPMT-method in DVBDream.