As a newbie I kindly ask you to share your experience.
Currently I do have an 'NDS V23' card (Videoguard) from Unitymedia - Kabel BW, Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg - and the CAM 'AlphaCrypt Classic' P/N 901650 R1.4 with firmware One4All 1.0. I am using the external USB TV tuner with CI 'TT TechnoTrend TT-connect CT-3650 CI'. It still works properly, together with the software DVBViewer Pro (Win 10 Pro 64, on an Intel NUC 5i5RYH).
But the TT-connect tuner has relatively high power consumption, particularly in idle, like a small heater . Thus, I am looking for potential alternatives in near future.
What about the TBS 5881 (or 5680), especially its power consumption in idle
Would it also work with this CAM and card
Thanks in advance for your advise.
Best regards,