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Firmware-Upgrade without changing the version number

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:47 pm
by AlexanderS

I noticed (already two times now) that there were changes in the linux firmware archive but the version number did not change and is still 1.0. Can you please update the version number, if you are releasing a new version of this file?


Re: Firmware-Upgrade without changing the version number

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 12:02 pm
by steven

Yea, we just added some new card firmware for the older card there is no change , when there have a big update we will update the version


Kind Regards


Re: Firmware-Upgrade without changing the version number

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:26 pm
by AlexanderS

this is a problem for distributions packaging the firmware files. During download of the sources the checksum is checked and the file could not be validated, if you modify a file without changing the checksum. If you would change the version number on every change of the file and keep the old version on the server it would be the best. If you want to have a stable download link, you can have an additional symbolic link named tbs-tuner-firmwares_current.tar.bz2 or somthing like that. By the way, is there any official page with a link to the firmware archive (and maybe a changelog)? The only location I know is the wiki in the github project.


Re: Firmware-Upgrade without changing the version number

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:11 am
by steven
Hi AlexanderS

Thanks for your feedback , Next time we will update the version number and update the download link ,

Current we only release at the github yet .


Kind Regards
