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Lighttpd server [linux package]

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Lighttpd server [linux package]

Postby gfi » Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:28 am

Lighttpd (pre-setting on port 8080)

Note: Lighttp's making a directories in /var.
root directory: /var/www
remote filesystem (mounted devices):

You can add files, web project (for example with parsing .m3u playlist from tvheadend + videolan ActiveX/ Mozzilla plugin...).

Remote filesystem (/var/rfs) is linked to /mnt for direct http streaming of video files from external devices.

There's some restriction for using, depend of muxer used.
Compared with dune hd players and vlc.

mkv = vlc-ok, dunehd-ok
mpg = vlc-ok, dunehd-ok
ts =vlc- can't seeking, dunehd-not ok
avi= vlc- can't seeking, dunehd-ok
mp4= vlc- not ok, dunehd-ok.

Will be uploaded also tvheadend with other muxers (mkv, direct stream, ts muxer, mpg muxer).

Note: lighttpd is compiled without pcre support. Very low CPU usage (0-1% on classic sd video files).
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