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Works for Ubuntu current kernel 2.6.38-8

Works for Ubuntu current kernel 2.6.38-8

Postby cjstephen » Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:02 pm

After wrestling unsuccesfully to build the 110805 drivers against a newly built kernel and failing I contacted TBS support and Constantine at TBS Europe quickly told me that the current drivers are only supported against kernels up to the original 2.6.39 and not subsequent minor-minor releases. So no good using them with or let alone 2.x kernels for now. Doh!

I'm pleased to report that by simply installing the kernel headers and building drivers against the current stock Ubuntu 11.04 kernel the drivers build, install and work perfectly. That'll teach me to overcomplicate matters!

Just to reiterate concisely the build steps required (more details in the readme files):

# Download current driver
# Install kernel headers, unrar and build-essentials (as I recall)
# Unpack driver rar file
mkdir tbs; cd tbs; unrar x ../linux-tbs-drivers_110806.rar
# Unpack linux drivers
tar jxvf linux-tbs-drivers.tar.bz2
cd linux-tbs-drivers
# Pick the binary object files required - 32 or 64 bit
# NB the build will fail due to missing .o files if you do not explicitly run this script or
# Build
make all
# Install
sudo make install

Reboot and should all work! You should find udev devices appear under /dev/dvb and selectable as input sources in MythTV.

To hopefully fix a Bluetooth problem I'm now going to try against 2.6.39, I'll report back if all is well.

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Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:20 pm

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