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szap-s2 works, scan-s2 does not [SOLVED]

Re: szap-s2 works, scan-s2 does not

Postby Euge » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:35 am

Thanks for the pointer. I'll try an install of Debian Squeeze on a spare HD at the weekend and see if this resolves my problem with scanning too. If so I guess it will be a case of comparing the base Debian kernel configuration with my Gentoo kernel configuration to try and figure out the likely cause of the problem.
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Re: szap-s2 works, scan-s2 does not

Postby Euge » Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:08 am

In case it helps anyone, I've finally resolved this issue.

After installs of several operating systems, two replacement cards, changing the PSU unit, installing a brand new satellite dish + cables + Technomate Quad LNB and also trying a standalone Freesat receiver the problem eventually turned out to be a faulty PCI-E x 1 slot on my motherboard.

I'd never used this slot on my motherboard before installing the TBS6981 so had no reason to think on a two year old system that the PCI-E x 1 slot had anything at all wrong with it.

I've installed a new motherboard and scanning works perfectly. Previously it would perform a single scan of one transport (straight after a cold boot) and then failed with the following errors messages:

Code: Select All Code
WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0011
WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0000
WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0010

MythTV is now able to scan successfully for channels using the satellite card.

I hope this helps someone else...
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Re: szap-s2 works, scan-s2 does not

Postby SergioDanielG » Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:43 am

Euge Wrote:
Code: Select All Code
WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0011
WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0000
WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0010

MythTV is now able to scan successfully for channels using the satellite card.

I hope this helps someone else...

Do you know if there are real tv/radios signals in the scanned transponder?
This warning generaly is because it's a data PID usid normaly to internet connection.

If you have installed tune-s2 and dvbsnoop, you can tune in these transponder and use dvbsnoop to see wath kind of PID is. Some like:

Code: Select All Code
tune-s2 120020 V 25700

and in other terminal
Code: Select All Code
dvbsnoop -s pidscan

Best regards.
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Re: szap-s2 works, scan-s2 does not [SOLVED]

Postby Euge » Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:14 am


Thanks for the suggestion, but as my last post indicated, the issue was a faulty PCI-E x 1 port on the motherboard.

There was a signal on the transponder because after a cold boot, if I ran a scan immediately then I saw channels getting picked up BBC, BBC East, BBC Wales etc. It's just that after scanning a single transport, the PID error messages started appearing and the card would no longer scan for channels unless I performed a cold reboot.


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Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:42 am


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