I've got a brand new Octa TV tuner TBS6209 and it gives me headaches. It just came when my two old TBS6285 are starting to fail (any reasons on why failing two cards on MOI PRO? Failing like suddenly starting to develop artifacts like bad reception etc...). I installed a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04 server. Driver installation looks too easy, basically following the Readme it goes like this:
#sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/media/
#tar jxvf media_build-2018-0206.tar.bz2
#cd media_build
I followed the steps and there were no complaints. I installed mumudvb and dvblast and here the problems starts. I am connected to DVB-C to a frequency with open channels (no encryption) and mumudvb complains with channel scrambled message. I doublechecked with dvblast and I get: warning: failed opening CAM device /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0. Tested on the same frequency as failing MOI PRO cards, it opens without decryption.
Am I supposed to explicitly tell the card that we are on a DVB-C? Or should I be compiling the drivers for DVB-C like on old cards?
Any advice please?
Following some debugging output, dmesg also.