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New Desgined TBSViewer is ready now....

New Desgined TBSViewer is ready now....

Postby steven » Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:53 am

Hi All

Many thanks to DVBViewer who has made a new version of TBSViewer now, :D
before released the new version we need more test,
is there anyone who want to test with the new version.

The new version added OSD,more easy to use,get our twitter information by TBSViewer and so on,
Just let you to enjoy it.

Here is the new test version;

we will appreciate if you can send the report here or send the PM message to me. :)



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Re: New Desgined TBSViewer is ready now....

Postby A1880 » Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:17 am

Hi Steven,

I've tested the redesigned TBSViewer for a short while.
The reason to instantaneously go back to the previous version:
I could not get/use the favorite list.
For me , the automatic slide-in favorite list is one of the strongest features of TBSViewer.
It allows very quick navigation between the most frequently used TV stations.
The new version only displays the channel list.
One has to activate a menu to somehow (don't know how) get the favorites.

The new program guide looks not really mature and intuitive.
But this might be a somewhat unfair early impression.

To get the old version back, I had to de-install the new version.
It was not sufficient to re-install the old version on top of the new one.

I am still struggling with "error 10" and "no DVD devices available" errors
of the TBS 6921 driver (Win7 64 bit), but this is another story.

Best regards

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Re: New Desgined TBSViewer is ready now....

Postby steven » Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:38 am

Hi A1880

Thank you very much for your test report.
We will report this to DVBViewer as soon as possible.
any progress we will let you know as soon as possible too. :)

Kind Regards

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Re: New Desgined TBSViewer is ready now....

Postby steven » Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:18 am

Hi A1880

DVBViewer have made a update version ,would you mind using this new
version to have a test. :)

and send your test report here. :D

Kind Regards

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Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:23 pm

Re: New Desgined TBSViewer is ready now....

Postby A1880 » Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:29 am

Hi Steven,

I've done a quick test with the new version.

The good news it that I can open the favorite list now via the new menu button.
Is there a hot key to open the favorite list right away?
However, the old favorite list was much easier and convenient to use.
It also looked "nicer" and less technical than the new one.
I just had to touch the right edge with my mouse cursor and could easily navigate.
It was also easy to shuffle, add and delete favorites.
Now, a favorite editor is integrated in the menu. It works but is no improvement to or even on par with the old style.

The program guide does not work at all for favorites.
For normal channels, it shows many duplicates entries.
Program guide looks like a pre-alpha version which needs a lot of work to become functional.

The option management looks a bit cleaned-up compared to that of the past.
I couldn't find a list of keyboard shortcuts, let alone an editable one.

From my point of view, the TBSViewer should be optimized for the frequent day-to-day operations.
It should be a rare exception to have to use a menu. Therefore, I cannot really appreciate the new
menu and the new widget mode.
The old TBSViewer had a much simpler UI than several other TV viewers I have tried over time.
As Albert Einstein remarked: Do things as simple as possible, but not simpler!


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Intel Core i7-2600 @3.40GHz, 8 Cores, 8 GByte RAM, 64 Bit Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, Dell XPS 8300
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