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TBS DVB TV Tuner USB boxes are compatible with VIM3L DIY PC

TBS DVB TV Tuner PCIe cards and USB boxes are all workable in Android OS. Users can use a mini PC and a TBS tuner device as a satellite/cable TV receiver. Here we use TBS5520SE and VIM3L mini PC as a sample, showing how to configure the device and scan channels: If you h...
by Irene
Wed Jul 07, 2021 4:48 pm
Forum: News
Topic: TBS DVB TV Tuner USB boxes are compatible with VIM3L DIY PC
Replies: 0
Views: 13719

All TBS Tuner cards are compatible with NVIDIA Jetson series

All TBS tuner cards are compatible with NVIDIA Jetson series platfrom, including Jetson Nano, Jetson TX2, Jetson Xavier NX and Jetson AGX Xavier. Here is a short video about how to scan channels when using TBS6508 with NVIDIA Jetson board: If you have any question or you...
by Irene
Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:03 am
Forum: News
Topic: All TBS Tuner cards are compatible with NVIDIA Jetson series
Replies: 0
Views: 10800

All TBS Tuner PCIe cards are compatible with Raspberry Pi

All TBS TV Tuner cards are compatible with Raspberry Pi. We have all cards' driver be compatible with the Raspberry PI. Here we use TBS6904SE as a sample to work with Raspberry Pi Computer Module 4 IO Board and make a video to show their performance: If you have any ques...
by Irene
Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:54 am
Forum: News
Topic: All TBS Tuner PCIe cards are compatible with Raspberry Pi
Replies: 0
Views: 11185

Re: TBS QBOX 5922 ?

Hi, TBS5922 is original TBS card. It is the updated version of TBS5921, which is optimized in hardware, e.g.: Tantalum Capacitor instead of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor. Compared with TBS5921, the optimization makes TBS5922 more powerful in blind scan, better in stability, and less heating. TBS59...
by Irene
Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:12 am
Forum: Windows
Topic: TBS QBOX 5922 ?
Replies: 1
Views: 6765

Re: Very Simple Question

Hi Kevin, You should connect the dish directly to TBS6981 card. It won't work if you connect the dish to a receiver ( I think you are talking about a normal STB receiver) and then to the TBS6981 card. TBS6981 card can working excellently for freesat. Here is some additional matters for your referenc...
by Irene
Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:48 am
Forum: Windows
Topic: Very Simple Question
Replies: 3
Views: 6251

Re: unicable (EN50494) support

hello Andrzej,

There is no need to change hardware in TBS 6981. It is just a driver updating work. We will do this work soon and release the new driver in our homepage

Best Regard
by Irene
Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:54 pm
Forum: Windows
Topic: unicable (EN50494) support
Replies: 3
Views: 6631

Re: driver issue

Hi c0demancarl, Please try to re-install the driver again. Before reinstall it, you have to make sure that the old one is uninstalled completely. Before you install the driver, please plug the card in the computer. The driver in our homepage is the latest one. You can download ...
by Irene
Fri May 21, 2010 6:00 pm
Forum: Windows
Topic: driver issue
Replies: 2
Views: 5411

Re: 64bit driver does not like removal and reinsertion of tu

Hi, Thanks Kazdalk for helping to solve the problem of win7 64bit DVBC stick problem. the DVB-C USB stick Windows 7 64bit driver errors when the tuner is removed from the USB port and then reinserted. Because DVBLink TVSource does not releasing the tuner and then causing problems when the tuner is r...
by Irene
Fri May 21, 2010 5:29 pm
Forum: Windows
Topic: 64bit driver does not like removal and reinsertion of tuner
Replies: 3
Views: 10884

Re: Linux Driver ETA


It might be released in 2-3 month later, or something.
by Irene
Wed May 19, 2010 10:59 am
Forum: Linux
Topic: Linux Driver ETA
Replies: 6
Views: 14665

Re: 64bit driver does not like removal and reinsertion of tu

Hi Kazdalk, We had test in our win7 64bit pc environment,plugin stick->play with DvbDream->shut down DvbDream->plugin again->start DvbDream->working. So please tell us your operation steps,i will follow your steps test again,and please send some screen capture of the error,it will help us to underst...
by Irene
Wed May 19, 2010 10:40 am
Forum: Windows
Topic: 64bit driver does not like removal and reinsertion of tuner
Replies: 3
Views: 10884

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