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qbox 3 ? anyone tried blind scan?

qbox 3 ? anyone tried blind scan?

Postby the1 » Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:15 am

Why there is no new forum for qbox 3?
Did anyone try blind scaning for this card? Does it perform the same as tbs 6921 and 8921?
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Joined: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:47 am

Re: qbox 3 ? anyone tried blind scan?

Postby paulus » Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:46 pm

If the 6921 and 8921 do not work, then yes it is identical.

I have attempted to use the blind scan tool (both versions, the one on the disk and the updated one from the website)on two different dishes, one with a Cband LNB and the other with two different standard LNBs, a universal LNB, and finally a circular standard LNB. I have tried these combinations on a PC running windows XP and two others running Win7. In all cases the search would yield no results.
I can perform satellite scans on known TPs with success using pretty much any DVB software out there, so the issue is not with the physical setup.
The only reason I bought this unit was for S2 blind scanning, and now i'm thinking that maybe I should have gone with the Prof series cards.
I will give it a little more time and if there hasn't been any updates I'll be shelving this one and looking for another solution.
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Re: qbox 3 ? anyone tried blind scan?

Postby the1 » Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:03 pm

Thank you for your reply.
I thought they already have bs. I will wait until the blind scan software is fixed. I think prof hasnt released any software yet for bs.
Please keep us updated.
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Joined: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:47 am

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