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install drivers without overwriting kernels dvb tree

install drivers without overwriting kernels dvb tree

Postby feadog » Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:59 am

Thank you for updating the qbox-s2 drivers.

I can compile the whole linux-media tree that you have provided, for both Debian kernels 2.6.38 and 2.6.39, but if I make install, the existing kernel dvb tree is overwritten, along with other important staging drivers needed for my system.

I tried to manually copy the compiled dvb_usb_tbsqboxs2 to /lib/modules to avoid this problem but I always get a message FATAL: Error inserting dvb_usb_tbsqboxs2 : Invalid argument, when I try to modprobe the module.

How can I compile and install the drivers without wiping out all the essential dvb drivers that were installed with the kernel-image?

My new tevii dvb card now has kernel support. When can we see the same support with Qbox-s2?

Noel Sheridan
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Re: install drivers without overwriting kernels dvb tree

Postby marcelru » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:20 pm

Hi Noel,

possibly it has been fixed already, but here's how I do it:

enter the top-level build directory for the drivers.

make menuconfig <remove all drivers and other stuff you don't need>
cd to v4l and edit the Makefile:

comment the line
EXTRA_CFLAGS += -g <debugging directives enabled, makes the code a lot bigger>



go one level up
run make

manually install whatever you need in /lib/modules....

run /sbin/depmod -a

and your modules should load.


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Re: install drivers without overwriting kernels dvb tree

Postby feadog » Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:53 am

Thank you very much Marcelr for your post, apologies for not checking this site for some time.

I have attempted to follow your instructions, but regrettably have had no success.

Since I use kernel-headers package from Debian, and not the whole kernel source I cannot run make menuconfig, but I can successfully compile the whole tree under 2.6.39. (2.6.38 package is no longer available from debian.)

However, as before, if I make install the resultant package the qbox-s2 drivers work fine, but I lose the staging drivers for my tevii card that were supplied in the 2.6.39 kernel. If I copy the newly compiled q-box-s2 driver to lib/modules, depmod -a and modprobe dvb_usb_tbsqboxs2 I get the unhelpful message;
FATAL: Error inserting dvb_usb_tbsqboxs2 (/lib/modules/2.6.39-2-amd64/kernel/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvb-usb-tbsqboxs2.ko): Invalid argument.

I'm lost here, if anyone has any further suggestions.!

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Re: install drivers without overwriting kernels dvb tree

Postby marcelru » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:48 pm

I'll try and have a go on my fedora box. (will take a few days, as I'm off to Paris this afternoon)
The drivers install without problems on my machine, will try the manual bits more extensively.

What are the module names of your staging drivers?


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Re: install drivers without overwriting kernels dvb tree

Postby marcelru » Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:05 pm

Hi feadog,

It's a lot harder than I thought it would be. So far I have copied the required module code into a separate kernel tree, and compiled the modules there. That seems to be OK.

What happens if you switch off everything but the kernel modules you really need for your device (make menuconfig and drop everything but dvb-usb drivers, and then only the TBS qbox II )? That should rid you of all modules you don't need, and hence the overwriting should stop as well.


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Re: install drivers without overwriting kernels dvb tree

Postby steffenb » Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:38 pm


1.) its not wise to only compile a part - the symbols most likely will not match
2.) copy your modules to /lib/modules/<kernelversion>/updates/somefolder and run depmod -a , in Debian and Ubuntu modules in that directory will be prefered over same modules in other directories. So you can easily drop them in and remove as you need it.

Regarding the staging driver: Isnt that included in the TBS package as well, as it seems to be a modified version of media_tree.
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