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XP x64 driver not working

XP x64 driver not working

Postby Stefan2k12 » Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:06 am

Hello. I recently purchased a TBS6982 card and I've been unable to get it to work under windows XP x64. I'm dual booting XP 32 and XP x64 on the same machine. Both operating systems are a fresh install with all the same device drivers and software installed, except of course the 64 bit versions are installed on the x64 installation. The driver for the card installs in XP x64 and everything appears to be okay until I try to use the card. I use TSreader professional and it sees the card and appears to launch properly. When I enter the transponder information it appears to properly tune the transponder and locks returning signal and quality numbers that look correct but then seems to hang and is unable to receive any packets of data from the card. This behavior is exhibited on any and all transponders on any and all satellites without exception. So, it seems as if something is happening after the lock when the application is trying to receive the transport stream from the card. If I boot into XP 32, everything works perfectly as it should. That's why I think it must be some issue with the 64 bit driver. I also have a tevii s660 usb tuner and it works fine in both XP 32 and x64. Therefore, I don't think it's anything wrong with my system.

Anyway, what I'd like to know is are there any know issue with the 64bit driver? Has it been tested on XP x64? Anyone here successfully used this card in XP x64 or in any other 64 bit version of windows?
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Re: XP x64 driver not working

Postby crazycat » Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:35 am

Use Win7/8 x64.
WinXP x64 have many issues in memory management and discontinued long time ago
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Re: XP x64 driver not working

Postby Stefan2k12 » Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:59 pm

So your saying XP is not supported by TBS cards? I wish I'd have known that before purchasing this card. I assumed that since XP support was listed in the specs it would actually be support. Guess you can't believe evrything you read.

As for XP x64 being the problem, I've since installed 2 other brand tuner cards in the same system and they both work fine. So, it must be an issue unique to the TBS card and not an XP 64 issue.
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Re: XP x64 driver not working

Postby crazycat » Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:40 pm

XP 32-bit is ok, but x64 not tested (because exotic and buggy OS).
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