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Unable to wake up from suspend/hibernate(Solved)

Unable to wake up from suspend/hibernate(Solved)

Postby crab2k » Sun Nov 06, 2016 4:32 am

I have this card from years, and it worked perfectly on WIN XP, MB Gigabyte ga-ma69g-s3h, amd cpu 5000+, gpu amd 3800, DVBViewer recording service.
Now, due to a problem with MB, I've assembled a new pc with:
- MB MSI Z170 Tomahawk
- CPU I5-6400T
- GPU AMD R7 2400
- OS Win7 ultimate
With this new configuration there is no way to wake up pc from suspend/hibernate for recording tv, with the same recording service, old and new versions.
Tried every option on BIOS, no results.
On the driver energy saving option the details are:

Stato alimentazione corrente: (curent power status)

Funzionalità alimentazione: (power supply functionality)

Mapping stato alimentazione: (mapping power supply state)
S0 -> D0
S1 -> Non specificato (not specified)
S2 -> Non specificato
S3 -> D3
S4 -> D3
S5 -> D3

Obviously, in the BIOS the "wake up from pci" is enabled.
The recording goes well, no other problems, only this.
By now, the pc wake up at the time septate into BIOS, every day at the same time, but this is not the solution, because I must wake up the pc for the earlier recording time and let it awake for the others.
Have someone an idea for this problem?
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:13 pm

Re: Unable to wake up from suspend/hibernate

Postby steven » Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:48 pm


After update the BIOS this problem has been fixed . :)
Posts: 2240
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:23 pm

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