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PCIe support

PCIe support

Postby stevie101 » Mon Apr 21, 2014 4:13 pm

Hello all,

I am desperately trying to build my own kernel with PCIe support. Unfortunately original 3.0.35 is missing quite a few dvb driver I would require.
Additionally I want to have my Renesas USB3.0 to work on PCIe.
On the distributed 3.0.35 kernel from MatrixTV the card is recogniced, but of course xhci_hcd is also missing.

So what I did, I downloaded the sources from here : ... urces/imx/
Extracted .config from the original uImage, added the additional drivers, cross compiled (tried also native compile on Ubuntu) and replaced the uImage in the original MatrixTV flash folder. Replaced also the modules on emmc.
Result: Renesas USB mini PCI not found (lspci), but a Broadcom Wifi card is found

I also compiled 1000 other Kernels and tried with the latest u-boot (+ patches provided here in this forum, thanks for this).

U-boot 2014:

No matter which Kernel booted, even the orginal one, PCIe support does not work. Hangs on original kernel.

Kernel 3.10.17 (nitrogen version):

booting ok, but absolutely no PCIe possible.

Can someone confirm that PCIe is working on this device with a self compiled kernel ?
Would it be possible to get the sources of the original U-boot (2009) - are there any additional patches incorporated ?
Same with 3.0.35, I would like to understand why the Rensesas card is found with default kernel, could you please provide the additional kernel patches ?
I am quite sure there must be some additional patches, since the kernel size differs between a self compiled kernel with the identical .config and the same compiler differs significantly compared to the default one.
I would appreciate any help.


Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:40 pm

Re: PCIe support

Postby steven » Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:20 am

Hi stevie101

Can you give us more detail information with your Renesas USB mini PCI .

and for the PCI-E problem ,maybe it is the PCI-E driver problem ,you can have a try
search in Freescale community


Kind Regards

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Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:23 pm

Re: PCIe support

Postby stevie101 » Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:30 pm

Hi steven

it is that one:

00:00.0 PCI bridge: Device 16c3:abcd (rev 01)
01:00.0 USB controller: Renesas Technology Corp. Device 0015 (rev 02)

finally I have succeded - the board is running as server since 10 days now w/o any issue.
I used the kernel from here :
Compared to the MatrixTV provided kernel it works with MSI support. Additionally I had to apply a lot of xhci patches, to get USB3.0 working ok. The problem with the freescale stuff is always to find the right kernel config since the dependencies are not clear.
I would have prefered to get 3.10.17 or mainline running - I don't need vivante drivers and such - but with those kernels I am unable to get mini pcie working - the system boots only w/o card, I believe it is a clock issue but I couldn't fix that.

Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:40 pm

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