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TBS 5927 - noisy fan

TBS 5927 - noisy fan

Postby marder » Wed Jun 14, 2017 1:42 pm

I've been a happy user of the TBS 5925 until it died a few weeks ago, probably due to overheating.
So I decided to by a TBS 5927 as replacement.
Apparently to solve the overheating problem, this device comes with an internal fan. Unfortunately, this fan is extermely noisy and always spinning at full speed, regardless of whether the device is actually operating of not.
Such a noisy fan is inacceptable for a multimedia device that should provide a quiet user experience.
Are there plans to update the software drivers so that the fan speed can be controlled according to actual usage/temperature instead of always spinning at full speed ?
If not, I'll have to return it and not recommend it to other users.
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Re: TBS 5927 - noisy fan

Postby steven » Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:47 pm

Hi marder

For the driver side we can not change but you can open the 5927 box and remove the Fan Power ,normally use it is ok like
5925 ,we add the FAN just in case the heat dissipation is very bad ,so if your heat dissipation is good then do not need to use the FAN .
and thanks for your feedback, in future we will slow down the FAN speed .


Kind Regards

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Re: TBS 5927 - noisy fan

Postby Ericed1965 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 3:45 pm

Should we rather insert a resistor to diminuish the speed? If yes, what is the current resistance of the fan used, so that i can compute what to insert?
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