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BSOD and Windows not starting

BSOD and Windows not starting

Postby privatesam » Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:08 pm


I'm running Windows 7 64bit, 8gb on a Asus motherboard. I installed my TBS 6981 about 3 weeks and everything had been working great until last week. I had been messing around with graphic drivers on my machine and then I started having start up issues - I could boot windows. I thought this was due to the graphic drivers and I had wanted to do a reinstall of Windows 7 anyway so I reinstalled the operating system and started from scratch. Everything was fine until it cam to installing the 6981's drivers again. Everytime I installed the drivers I'd get BSOD. Restarting the machine was hit and miss - sometimes windows will boot but other times I have to take the card out to get into the operating system. The best I've managed to do now is get into windows, get into device manager where there is a little yellow exclaimation mark next to the 6981 entry claiming the device is not started.

This is so frustrating because the card was working like champ and now it seems to be malfunctioning. Worst still I think this could be a hardware problem which would explain why it was working fine. I've also tried it in the other PCI-e slot in my machine. I suspect you'll suggest trying the card on a different board - I'll try that tonight and report back.

Just want to reitrate that I was loving the card until this starting happening so I really wanna get this fixed!
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Re: BSOD and Windows not starting

Postby privatesam » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:51 pm

Just had a thought. Around the same time I started having these problems I had added a fan to the motherboard for extra cooling. Thing is this fan takes its power directly from the board so maybe its that the card isn't getting enough juice? Would the problems I'm experienced be attributable to the pci-e slot not passing through enough power? Will try tonight with the included adapters to provide supplementary power.
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Re: BSOD and Windows not starting

Postby privatesam » Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:08 pm

No that didn't work. I tried everything last night and it seems now that its hit or miss if the card is even recognised.

I'm going to return the item.
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Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:44 pm

Re: BSOD and Windows not starting

Postby steven » Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:20 am

Hi privatesam

Sorry for the problem,maybe it is hardware error, you can contact our support (,we can provide RMA service .
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