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TBS 6981 signal issues

TBS 6981 signal issues

Postby unbatron » Fri Feb 22, 2013 3:57 am

Hi there,

currently using a TBS 6981 DVB s2 in a intel i5 setup for htpc with 4gb of ram. Its worked sporadically at best however I'm having serious issues scanning for signal on DVBlink tv source. Sometimes it works and in the SCAN section will find most channels with a 90% quality and signal, however when I try to watch it or rescan on the second tuner it wont find anything. Its as if the signal isn't locking at all.

I dug out my old sky box and it shows a signal and quality of around 70%, thats on both lines into the box and its a steady signal. I've tried changing software, hardware (moved the card from one system to another) but the problem persists. Its most infuriating.

Drivers are all up to date, it was running previously on windows 7 having these problems too. I've since upgraded to windows 8 and still no dice. Any suggestions? Do I potentially have a faulty card? I have tried emailing however not had any response.

Thanks in advance.
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