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TBS-8510 Pro -> DVB-S/S2 -> No 1080, 50fps

TBS8520 and TBS8510

TBS-8510 Pro -> DVB-S/S2 -> No 1080, 50fps

Postby Chris18391344 » Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:30 pm


we have a TBS-8510 Pro with DVB-S Slots and add a RTMP Push profile to 720p_25fps. This work well pushing to us wowza.

Now, we add a second Profile 1080_50fps. The CDN Upload to us Wowza still stay on red indicator in TBS Status Page. If i switch back to 720_25fps, it will green, and send well. Switch back again to 1080_50fps, it was again red, and not pushing to us wowza. We have follow Transcoding Profile.
1) (Works) 720 25fps
2) (Not Work) 1080 50fps

Sorry, but this is a high professional Device (?), but we cannot push 1080 with 50 fps. ? Whats wrong ?

[EDIT-1]: 1080_25 also not work.
[EDIT-2]: 720_50 also not work.
Posts: 44
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:50 pm

Re: TBS-8510 Pro -> DVB-S/S2 -> No 1080, 50fps

Postby steven » Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:42 am

Hi Chris,

Possble setup remote of the server let us have a remote check with this .you can send message to my skype or email


Kind Regards

Posts: 2241
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:23 pm

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