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Postby ultrakrsk » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:26 am

What is about new linux version 3.0? Waiting for a drivers...
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Re: 3.0-ARCH

Postby bob » Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:22 pm

Cody is working on it,maybe release in September.
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Re: 3.0-ARCH

Postby MrFluffy » Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:49 pm

Thanks to cody are in order I think!
I just bought a tbs8940 for my myth server previously running a pair of hauppage pvr350's after getting sick of my stb's suffering periodic firmware crashes. And the driver just built for me after much fiddling round ln -s'ing various files for my x86 architechture after I upgraded my kernel from the 2.6.30 kernel it had for the pvr's (it's been built and left on working as a mythbackend since that kernel was new!) to 3.1.1-gentoo.
Maybe I missed some step that auto builds the link, although I did scan the README before trying to compile it.

I havent tried it yet mind , right now it is at the "managed to compile cleanly" stage. Now to insmod it in the kernel and go screw some satellite feeds onto it :)

I'd just also like to add that the reason I selected the tbs8940 is because of the linux support. Without this linux support it would have been a non option. If it can indeed become fully open and make the kernel that will open the card up to increased sales potential from the mythbuntu and mythdora users also. You have to be somewhat of a tinkerer/early adopter to run mythbackend under gentoo ;)
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Re: 3.0-ARCH

Postby MrFluffy » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:27 pm

And... success! tbs6984 quad DVB-s working nicely in mythtv under 3.1 kernel on gentoo. And I read the top level readme where it says to how to select the arch to build, which makes all the symlinks. So any problem with the build docs was definitely pebkac.

I was thrown after that for a while that dvbscan could discover the channels, but myth nor szap wouldnt accept the channels.conf that made, but apparently scan has changed the default flags and you now have to specify vdr format output with the -ozap flag for it to work with myth. And once myth has the channels imported, you have to delete them all, then allow myth to scan for them itself.
Whereby it finds all the channels, populates them, and they appear in all our frontends.
I also found I had to push the timeouts right up for channel scan but that may be a facet of my dish signal quality being a bit low.
Happy now, well once Ive edited the 700 surplus channels from the epg :)
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Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:35 pm

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