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Postby bringe555 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:38 am

Hi everyone I'm new and very much a novice with any techy stuff so forgive my ignorance.

It's just I have this card and it works (with some issues) with TBS viewer but not with any of the other bundled software which only register a signal if TBS viewer is already running (this is totally useless as they then won't scan with any success). Is there any way I can turn on the lnb power independent of the program as DVB dream doesn't seem to even when 'lnb power on' is ticked and diseqc bypassed? Could it be that because I live in the UK but my Windows XP32 is the German version there could be some kind of driver confusion?

Also HD programs don't really work well with TBSviewer on my machine, mostly stutters but also picture break-up and no-picture on some channels. The funny thing is that watching recordings or viewing timeshift through MPC player is usually perfect ... has anyone any ideas why?

My system isn't the greatest but it's fast enough for 720p/1080i capture (but probably not raw 1080p in real time).

I'd really appreciate even the slightest bit of help, even if it's just to tell me I've bought a lemon!

One recommendation though ..... Could we get a 'clear all' uninstaller? My diseqc got messed and it was a real pain to get a lock on the required satellite, even after a reinstall. A simple reset would have been useful.
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Postby tonewheelkev » Tue Aug 05, 2014 5:42 pm

Have the TBS6922...(not the SE variety!)

Personally, I found the software bundled with the card (TBS viewer..etc) to be totally useless, and I was quick to dispose of it.... :D

I have great success running the card with Mediaportal....and achieve great quality HD pictures... :D

This is an excellent....and not expensive card :geek:
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Postby bringe555 » Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:38 pm

I installed Media Portal ... alas this also doesn't appear to start the card either (no signal, no quality) .... However it did lead me to install dvbfix.exe for my outdated Xp32 dll's and wonder upon wonders, all my HD and synch problems have now been solved. TBS really should include the file for those of us that don't want to upgade their OS if it's just to use as a media center.

If anyone has the slightest idea why this PCIe card only works with TBS viewer and not with 3rd party software please let me know ... and yes I've followed all installs to the letter. I'm guessing a Windows service does not start or there's a registry issue but I haven't a clue how to fix it.
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Postby bringe555 » Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:34 pm

I still can't start this card with any 3rd party software, I've tried everything... there's always no signal even though everything's fine when I use TBS Viewer itself. Could there be a language conflict? or some kind of limitation to the PCIe interface?

I'm running Xp home (german) on an ASrock N68C-S UCC with ASUS 5 graphics, all updated including BIOS. This PC is used almost exclusively as a media center so I really don't want an expensive OS upgrade.

If anyone has any idea how I may fix this then please, please let me know.
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Postby Alfredo » Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:53 am

Hi bringe555

If TBSViewer work, DVBViewer work. Is the same program. Well, without some features.

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