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TBS6284 Disappears On Wake From Sleep

TBS6284 Disappears On Wake From Sleep

Postby CyberSimian » Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:45 am

I have just installed a TBS6284 PCI-E card in my Windows 7 PC.

Fitting the card and installing the drivers from the CD (version proceeded without problem. I then started Windows Media Center and configured the 4 tuners for use in Media Center. The channel scan returned all of the channels that I expected. (Note: currently only DVB-T channels can be received at my location; DVB-T2 channels do not arrive until next week!) I then tested the installation by making 4 simultaneous recordings in Media Center. This too was successful. I then put the PC into sleep mode (power state "S3").

The problem arose when I woke the PC from sleep. I went to the Windows "Device Manager" panel and looked for the entry for the TBS6284, but it was missing. I then tried to view live TV in Media Center but this failed, saying that there was no tuner available.

I rebooted (which caused the TBS6284 to re-appear), went to the "Details" tab of the TBS6284 properties in "Device Manager", and looked at the "Power data" properties. It claims that power state "S3" maps to "D3", and that power state "D3" is supported. It also claims that wake from power states "D0", "D1", and "D2" are supported, but significantly it does not state that wake from power state "D3" is supported. As a comparison, I looked at the equivalent data for a Pinnacle 2000i DVB-T dual tuner that I also have installed in the PC, and that does state that wake from power state "D3" is supported.

I am no expert in Windows power states, but is this lack of support for wake from power state "D3" an error in the TBS6284 .INF file, or does the hardware really not support wake from "D3"? Or is this a capability that is not yet supported by the driver? Or are there some other settings that I need to set? Help please!

-- from CyberSimian in the UK
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Re: TBS6284 Disappears On Wake From Sleep

Postby CyberSimian » Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:48 am

Apologies, but I forgot to give details of my PC in the previous post.

The PC is a Dell XPS420 running Windows 7 32-bit. The PC has a Dell motherboard, but I do not know whether this is a unique Dell design, or simply a Dell-branded version of a motherboard made by another manufacturer. The motherboard has the lastest BIOS.

The graphics card is an Nvidia 8600GTS, and I am running the 290.53 beta drivers. Nvidia have released even newer drivers, but these newer ones apparently have some problems, so I have not installed those drivers.

The motherboard has 3 PCI-E slots, one 16x (occupied by the 8600GTS), one 4x (empty), and one 1x (occupied by the TBS6284).

This PC is a dual-boot system. I have Windows Vista 32-bit installed in a separate partition, and it is Vista that I am currently using for watching and recording TV, using the Pinnacle DVB-T PCI tuners that are also installed. Vista does not support high-definition TV, but out of curiosity I installed the drivers for the TBS6284 in Vista, and enabled the device in the Vista configuration. The result was even worse than WIndows 7 -- the system would hang either on transition from wake to sleep, or on transition from sleep to wake. I have disabled the TBS6284 card in the Vista config, and that allows the PC to be used for standard-definition TV using the Pinnacle tuners.

On a happier note, DVB-T2 arrived at my location this morning, so I booted Windows 7 and set Media Center to rescan for channels. In the Windows 7 config I have only the TBS6284 enabled (the Pinnacle DVB-T tuners are disabled), so I had no problem with finding the 4 DVB-T2 channels that are broadcast in the UK. I also had no problem with the sound on the "ITV HD" channel, with which some people have reported problems (however, the programme was a studio news broadcast, so perhaps the sound problem affects other programmes such as movies).

-- from CyberSimian in the UK
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Location: Southampton, UK

Re: TBS6284 Disappears On Wake From Sleep

Postby steven » Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:31 pm

Hi CyberSimian

First sorry for this problem,From the information you give to us.
The BIOS is the latest ,so would you mind change TBS6284 to the 4x PCI-E slot ,16x you need to use Graph card.

Best regards

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Re: TBS6284 Disappears On Wake From Sleep

Postby CyberSimian » Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:48 am

steven Wrote:would you mind change TBS6284 to the 4x PCI-E slot ,16x you need to use Graph card.

Hello Steven,

Thank you for the suggestion to try the TBS6284 in the 4x PCI-E slot. To be honest, I did not actually expect this to make a difference, but I am very pleased to report that it does indeed make a difference, and the TBS6284 is now sleeping and waking as expected. To test this, I performed ten consecutive sleep/wake cycles, allowing the PC to sleep 10 minutes each time before the following wake, and going to "Device Manager" each time to check that the TBS6284 was still present (which it was). The slot that it now resides in is in fact an 8x PCI-E slot, and not a 4x slot that I stated previously (I remembered incorrectly what slots the motherboard has).

Looking at the other TBS fora, I notice that sleep/wake problems seem to be a recurring theme. Does the fact that the TBS6284 works in the 8x PCI-E slot give you a clue as to the cause of the problem? If it is a BIOS problem, I think that I am stuck, because the Dell XPS420 is no longer in production, and I doubt that Dell would make any further changes to the BIOS. If the problem is in the power-handling performed by the driver, is there a chance that this will be fixed? The reason I ask this is that I had intended to buy a second TBS6284, in order to have eight DVB-T2 tuners in my PC, but of course the only PCI-E slot available is the 1x slot, which does not seem to work correctly.

Thank you for your help.

-- from CyberSimian in the UK
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Location: Southampton, UK

Re: TBS6284 Disappears On Wake From Sleep

Postby steven » Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:06 am

Hi CyberSimian

Thanks for your reply.
There maybe have some compatible problem with your mainboard PCI-E 1x slot ,From your test report
It is like that PCI-E 8X is ok,if you want to use two TBS6284 card,Maybe you need to use another platform.
we are sorry for the inconvenient.From now on,most mainboard shows ok,only a few maybe have this problem.

Best regards

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Re: TBS6284 Disappears On Wake From Sleep

Postby CyberSimian » Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:20 pm

steven Wrote:There maybe have some compatible problem with your mainboard PCI-E 1x slot

I think that you are correct. In retrospect, I can now see a pattern.

When I first set up the PC as an HTPC, I installed a Kworld dual-tuner DVB-T PCI-E card in the 1x slot, but I could not get it to work (same problem as the TBS6284 -- disappeared on wake from sleep). I took the Kworld card out and installed a Pinnacle 2000i dual-tuner card in a PCI slot (not PCI-E), and that worked OK.

Some months later I decided I wanted more USB2 sockets, so I installed a Belkin 5-port USB2 PCI-E card in the 1x slot, but I could not get that to work either! About half of the time it would hang on the transition from wake to sleep, and the PC would become unresponsive.

The reason that I never tried the 8x slot with these two cards is that the 8x slot was occupied by a Hauppauge single-tuner PCI-E card that had been installed by Dell and which worked correctly, so I did not want to disturb it. (I removed that card when I installed the TBS6284.)

I wish that I had discovered this problem with the 1x slot when the Dell XPS420 was still in production, as there would have been a chance of getting the motherboard BIOS fixed. Sigh.

Thanks again,

-- from CyberSimian in the UK
Posts: 39
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Location: Southampton, UK

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