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tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

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Re: tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

Postby SergioDanielG » Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:45 pm

Highkick05, if you can try: install a new kernel (clean) with support for your card. Then tray instaling tbs drivers with "checkinstall"
Something like:

# make clean & make distclean
# make
# checkinstall -D

Or wait and I'll try.

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Re: tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

Postby highkick05 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:37 am

I leave it to u. I don't think I can do it.

It's ok i try another thing see if it can work
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Re: tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

Postby SergioDanielG » Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:55 am

Hi highkick05, well..

Start with a kernel with your device working on.
In my case, I reinstalling debian kernel.

Code: Select All Code
# apt-get install checkinstall module-assistant
# m-a
on m-a:
[*] EXIT
(this prepare all you need to compile)

# cd /to/tbs/drivers/folder/
# cd tbs-linux-drivers_v160126/linux-tbs-drivers
# make clean && make dist-clean
# v4l/  // Or needed by your pc
# make -j 4
# checkinstall -D

on checoinstall:
modify option 3 and put 20160126 or a number to identify version.
push Enter
whait, checkinstall make a .deb file and try to install it. It's fail because there are similar files, you need to force overwrite.

# dpkg --force-overwrite -i linux-tbs_20160126-1_amd64.deb
(or .deb file created by checkinstall in previous steps)


# modprobe -v af9033
OUTPUT: insmod /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/kernel/drivers/media/dvb-frontends/af9033.ko

Try it and tell me if it works for you.

Kind regards.
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Re: tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

Postby updatelee » Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:21 am

Linux drivers dont work this way. Kernel modules are built for a specific version of the kernel. When the linux kernel changes something, old drivers will need to either be recompiled or in some cases the source code edited to reflect the new changes in a kernel. This is what youve come across. Its very time consuming to keep your driver sourcecode upto date with the latest changes by the kernel. Trust me I know, I maintain my own drivers and everytime a new kernel comes out I wonder if it will break my drivers and if I'll have to edit the code to reflect those changes. Sometimes I get lucky, other times it means I have to spend hours fixing my code so it'll work with the new kernel version. TBS is well aware that it is in their best interest to keep up with the changes, but it comes down to time and money. TBS does a very good job of keeping up with mainstream kernel versions, but not many consumers are using bleeding edge kernels. Keep in mind that only sometimes making these changes will your driver work with older and newer kernels, its often one of the other. I choose to support bleeding edge kernels, but Im not a retailer. People that use my drivers are aware that they must use the latest kernel to use my drivers. TBS on the other hand have to keep a large of a customer base as possible, so if a change will only allow their modules to work with bleeding edge kernels, they often choose to support the larger customer base instead.

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Re: tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

Postby SergioDanielG » Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:10 am

Hi updatelee.
I know and I'm concious about all you say, but, original drivers are compiled over used kernel and tbs drivers compile over same kernel, It will work or don't. And if it work, Good luck! . And if it doesn't work? well, we will be where we start, nothing else.
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Re: tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

Postby updatelee » Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:50 am

You're compiling two very different kernel modules and installing them in the same kernel, if they work I would guess that its a complete fluke. I wouldnt count on it.

The problem is each card has its own drivers yes, but they both talk to the same subsystem, if there are any changes at all in that subsystem, one of them wont be happy. There is a very good chance there is changes in that subsystem (the dvb subsystem)

Its a complicated bureaucratic world the linux kernel lives in. Getting drivers mainlined isnt easy. Getting closed source drivers into the mainline kernel is impossible.

Both dvbsky and TBS understand this and its not decision to make whether the drivers get upstreamed or not, the kernel maintainers decide that. Trust me if it were up to me Id make some big changes to the dvb kernel modules, I havent been able to convince them yet to take any of my changes.

TBS6925/5980, Prof 7301/7500/8000, Genpix Skywalker-1, Skystar 2 Express HD
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Re: tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

Postby SergioDanielG » Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:00 am

Thaks updatelee. I really understand and understood it.
Good luck.
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Re: tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

Postby highkick05 » Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:36 pm

Sounds like interesting way to do it SergioDanielG. Will try if nothing else work & get contact w/ you

I'm keeping the kernel intact atm , working w/ crazycat try and free the device , this is a ubuntu 15.10 update'd to latest kernel source

Don't get the closed source idea either @updatelee, it's very stupid

@TBS there is literally no benefit in keeping source code for TBS driver closed to public & built against huge kernel base w/ irrelevant & unneeded drivers. You'd just make customers unhappy and turning them away from your produkt

Also there doesn't seem to be any reasonable understanding why they keep linux driver closed and windows BDA driver w/ your TBS device runs kindly independently along side any/every other device.
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Re: tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

Postby armandino » Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:41 pm

i have an debian 8.3 with astra cesbo + tvheadend instalaled & via usb TBS5990.
Neither Astra or TVH does'nt detect my usb device.

please adviced !

PS: allready tried steps in SergioDanielG posts
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Re: tbs5990 upset on linux driver support

Postby steven » Tue Aug 23, 2016 11:34 am

Hi all

Latest open source code for 5990 is ready now please have a check:


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