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[SOLVED] NFS mount

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Re: [SOLVED] NFS mount

Postby fantasticn » Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:56 pm

I tried to give that command via putty. But I got the message that the connection would be rejected (obviously meaning my NAS would not accept the connection attempt from the MOI). So I added username and password for my NAS to the command which look as follows:

mount -o nolock /media/Recordings username=admin,password=123456

The command is accepted then (without any message or confirmation). But it does not seem to work either. I even tried to implement that command into "S99tv"-file and restart the MOI. It did not change a thing. TV-shows are always recorded to the local folder "media/recordings" and do not show up in the NAS-folder.

Any ideas?


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Re: [SOLVED] NFS mount

Postby Giblets » Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:10 am

If you can't connect with the manual command it definately won't work by putting it in the startup (s99tv) file.

As far as I knew NFS does not use usernames and passwords. I think it works by setting up access to individual files (in /etc/exports) and allowing certain clients to connect (/etc/hosts.allow). My NAS (QNAP) has a web interface, I just set the file permissions and the ip addresses of the clients I want to allow.

No good ideas I'm afraid, but here's some not so good ones :-

You can type mount on your MOI ssh session to show all the active mounts, just to check if it thinks it's there.
Check the NAS to ensure NFS is configured properly.
Are your XBMC clients already connected to the NAS via NFS? If not you could try to do that, if that doesn't work either it points towards the NAS.
What make of NAS do you have?

Sorry I can't be more help.
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Re: [SOLVED] NFS mount

Postby fantasticn » Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:13 pm

Thanks again for your reply.

I have a QNAP TS412. For the Folder "TV-Recordings" I have already set permissions (read/write) to "anybody". But it does seem to require a username and password anyway. At least it does when I access it from my XBMC-PCs as well as from my Windows-PCs.

However, on my four XBMC-PCs (OpenElec) I have put the following commands into
#! /bin/sh
(sleep 30; \
mount -t cifs // /storage/recordings -o username=admin,password=123456 \

And it is working just fine. The TV-Recording folder is mounted into the local recordings-folder, so I can see all recordings inside there and all recordings initialized on any XBMC will end up in this folder as well.

However, it does not seem to work on the MOI. I now tried several combinations of the mount command via putty, e.g.

mount -t cifs // /media/Recordings -o username=admin,password=tffxxx

But on most of the I get the error "no such device".

When using the command you suggested: mount -o nolock /media/Recordings

I get "Permission denied"

When adding username and password: mount -o nolock /media/Recordings username=admin,password=123456

I get the info-screen of the mount command and the message "There are no filesystem specific -o flags"

Any ideas?



Edit: I just tried it with a different divice (Windows-PC):

mount -t smbfs -o username=norman,password=123456,uid=1000,gid=1000 // /media/Recordings

But it did not work either. Error Message: "No such device"
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Re: [SOLVED] NFS mount

Postby Giblets » Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:14 pm

cifs is slightly different to nfs and does use username and password.

When I get home I'll run through my config on the QNAP admin page again and post some screenshots, you can compare with yours.
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Re: [SOLVED] NFS mount

Postby fantasticn » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:33 pm

Sounds good. Thanks in advance!

Btw: Linux still is a mystery to me. When do I have to use "//" in front of the IP and when do I need to put ":" behind it? The command you offered shows no "//" but the ":", the command I use on my XBMC-PCs (working just fine) includes the "//" but no ":"


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Re: [SOLVED] NFS mount

Postby Giblets » Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:02 am

OK, so in QNAP admin I navigate to Access Right Management / Shared Folders.

Then I click the NFS button for the relevent directory (see image)


Then in the popup which appears


I enter "read / write" in the access right box and the ip address of my MOI in Allowed IP.

Regarding details of Linux, you are asking the wrong guy I'm afraid. :D I'm very much learning myself, I got that command via Mr Google.
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Re: [SOLVED] NFS mount

Postby fantasticn » Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:36 am

Hey Giblets,

thanky you very much! That works.

I first tried it directly with putty and now added it to the "S99tv"-file (trying to create I separate file fpr the mapping did not work; TVheadend did not seem to load it after reboot; but integrating it into the S99-File keeps the mapping even after reboot).

I now try to do the same with the timeshift-path :-)

Once again thank you very much. That was very helpful!



Mapping a timshift-folder in principle is working as well, but using a network-folder does not seem to comply with the timeshift-function. Pressing "pause" will freeze the tv-show, but I am not able to resume it afterwards anymore. It just stays that way. So it seems I will have to insert a SD-card into the MOI and try to create a local folder for timeshifting there. Any idea how to do that since the SD-card does not seem to show up anywhere when I SSH into the MOI?
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