- I decided a while ago to purchase two new cards to replace our indeed very good TBS 6618's. We decided to give 6590 a try, a single card but with dual tuners on it. I liked the idea of saving a PCI-e lane but mostly I like the multi-standard because we don't know what kind of signal we soon will recieve due to a major change in the neighbourhood. But we got dissappointed when we got our new TBS 6590. Virtually everything was better with our old 6618 cards. Except for the multistandard feature of course. A little later, one of the tuners started to behave badly. It hacked, gave up several minutes in a row and other strange things. So, this brings me to the question; cards developed for the end consumer in mind, are two single cards generaly better than a single card that holds dual tuners? Was this just bad luck or shall I give the dual tuner single card a new chance?
AND, I was not sure in what fora this question should be posted in, so please have it moved into approprieate forum. Thank you.