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no signal after standby on ubuntu

no signal after standby on ubuntu

Postby fischi » Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:19 pm

Hi folks, I'm using Ubuntu Natty and after the system wakes from s3, the card comes up with no Signal.
I have to fully reboot the machine and everything is fine until next S3 state.

Is there a way, maybe by script, to get things done without reboot?
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Re: no signal after standby on ubuntu

Postby eldon » Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:31 pm

you've probably solved your problem by now but i had the same problem with my system (6922 card, tbs driver 111118) and here's how i've dealt with it when going to hibernation (S4 suspend), it should work for suspend to ram S3 as well.

basically you have unload / reload modules when the suspend / resume event happens. On my ubuntu Natty (11.04) this is handled by pm-utils and you can tweak suspend / resume with scripts placed in "/etc/pm/sleep.d/".

You have to use proper script names so they are executed at the right time, so for those modules the scrip should be named "75_something", i called mine "75_dvb".

the script is as follows :

Code: Select All Code
echo "Hibernate/Suspend DVB  Modules script : $1"

case $1 in
                modprobe -v -r saa716x_tbs_dvb saa716x_core dvb_core tbsfe tbs6928fe
                modprobe -v saa716x_tbs_dvb
                 echo "Hibernate/Suspend DVB  Modules script : wrong argument!"

okay now my card is a 6922 so my hardware module is "saa716x_tbs_dvb", yours will probably be something else, i guess some "cx...", so you will have to change that in your script for it to work with your hardware..

i don't know if it's really required but i always try to unload all the modules i can, usually tuner/dvb ones, and then load the one module that will trigger loading all the others, usually the tuner one and then my hardware is back up and working.

For some reason i always have one tbs modules loaded i can't remove because it claims to be used by another module but it looks like a bug as this module using the tbs one is "dereferenced" and it's name is displayed as some kind of number (4294967293) and i can't do anything with it.
i'll report that in another post because it also prevents me from fully recycling the hardware without rebooting my linux.

Finally i haven't done much testing but unloading modules should fail if an application is using them, so for example i can't leave kaffeine open if i want my hibernate to work. You could also tweak the script to kill/restore apps that you know are using your dvb hardware but it looks to me like overkill and you should handle that manually.

so there you are, i hope it works for you, don't forget to modify the script with your module names otherwise this may not work with your hardware.

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