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WMC will not scan HD channels

WMC will not scan HD channels

Postby KeithSlarke » Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:45 pm

My set up
Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit
PC 2.6 gig dual core Intel
Power supply 450W
I have loaded latest driver from this site
I have reset windows media center (centre) which is quite a useful concept so I thought I would let you know you can do this as although this has not cleared this problem it has allowed me to get WMC to a vanilla state where the previous tuner scans are not effecting the current tuner scan. So may be useful for others. ... enter.html

The card is seen with TBSViewer I can see the signals on both tuners but I can not scan HD channels, I can receive normal TV channels
I have done a full scan on WMC (Windows Mediia Center) and I can see this is the only card and it is labelled as "DVB T2" in WMC.
But WMC refuses to scan HD Channels.

OK so can I receive HD Signals? YES
I have another PC and dongle that are working on WMC different HD Tuner (USB)
I have several HD TVs that are receiving HD
I have a HUMAX box that received and records HD

WHAT have I done to fix this
I have a clean install of Windows 7
I have reset WMC
I have got the extra power connection and I have checked the voltages with a DVM on the card
I have tuned one tuner only in WMC then the others
I have no other tuners in the PC just the TBS card

Things that could be wrong please confirm that this is ok
I have a X1 PCIe slot is that OK?
Could this be the power supply problem as there are 2 tuners and I realise that 450W is low power, has anyone else got a similar set up?
I am running windows 7 32bit is anyone else using the same operating system and achieved HD channels or do I have to use 64 bit Windows 7

General questions about WMC and tuners
Does anyone know why we have to enter the post code into WMC as I am concerned that this may be putting me in a borderline area and maybe some good channels are being rejected by WMC becuase of the postcode. If anyone knows what WMC is collecting and if this restricts channels then please tell me.

WMC determining Tuner availability
Why does this take so long, does anyone know what WMC is doing or what is TBS tuner doing

Your help would be greatly appreciated
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Re: WMC will not scan HD channels

Postby CyberSimian » Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:30 pm

I have two TBS 6284 cards in my HTPC. I cannot see anything wrong with what you have done. But a couple of points:

KeithSlarke Wrote:I have reset windows media centre: ... enter.html

I am not entirely convinced that this procedure resets the tuning configuration; I think it more likely that it deletes the history of recorded programmes, the list of programmes scheduled to record, and your channel lists (favourites and the like). To reset the tuners, I have always deleted two trees in the registry, specifically the ones with GUIDs residing in:

...\Media Center\Service\Video\Tuners\xxx

Note that there are three entries for "xxx": two with GUIDs for names, and one named "DVR"; delete the two GUID trees but leave the "DVR" tree intact. Reboot after exiting REGEDIT. When you next start Media Center, MC will think that no tuners are configured and ask if you want to configure the tuners that it has found. (Note: this is for Vista; I cannot look at my Windows 7 installation at the moment.)

KeithSlarke Wrote:But WMC refuses to scan HD Channels.
I have another PC and dongle that are working on WMC different HD Tuner (USB)
I have several HD TVs that are receiving HD
I have a HUMAX box that received and records HD

Are these other tuners fed from the same aerial as the HTPC? Aerials can be tuned to particular bands when they are manufactured. If you have more than one aerial, your HTPC may be connected to an aerial that does not receive well at the frequency at which you are receiving the DVB-T2 broadcasts. Try the HTPC using the aerial from one of the TVs that does receive DVB-T2 OK. Note: for this test do not add a passive splitter to split the aerial feed, as it may degrade the signal too much; unplug the TV and plug in the HTPC in its place.

-- from CyberSimian in the UK
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Re: WMC will not scan HD channels

Postby KeithSlarke » Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:45 pm

CyberSimian Wrote:
I am not entirely convinced that this procedure resets the tuning configuration; I think it more likely that it deletes the history of recorded programmes, the list of programmes scheduled to record, and your channel lists (favourites and the like). To reset the tuners, I have always deleted two trees in the registry, specifically the ones with GUIDs residing in:

-- from CyberSimian in the UK

The original reset puts a forces WMC to display a tuner required message up when WMC is reset whereas deleting the GUIDs in the registry removed the tuner information so, having done this I still do not have the extra HD channels, I get 113 channels and the 117 as there are in my other PC connected to the same arial with no other TVs or arials attached.

CyberSimian Wrote:Are these other tuners fed from the same aerial as the HTPC? Aerials can be tuned to particular bands when they are manufactured. If you have more than one aerial, your HTPC may be connected to an aerial that does not receive well at the frequency at which you are receiving the DVB-T2 broadcasts. Try the HTPC using the aerial from one of the TVs that does receive DVB-T2 OK. Note: for this test do not add a passive splitter to split the aerial feed, as it may degrade the signal too much; unplug the TV and plug in the HTPC in its place.
-- from CyberSimian in the UK

Both PCs are being tested on the same aerial cable and each PC connected separately at a time, in case there is signal degradation. The other PC with a Nanostick T2 is receiving all HD channels with no problem.
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Re: WMC will not scan HD channels

Postby steven » Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:27 pm

Hi KeithSlarke

Would you mind using TBS6284 in the other PC which HD channel is ok.

And use our OEM-DVBDream to have a test with HD channel?

If DVBDream is ok with HD channel,this maybe the MCE's problem.

Kind Regards

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