or is my device just broken?. I got V2.3 this week (4dip switches) and upgraded at first to vpeters OE build and later on to self compiled builds with pcie support. All went smoothly but my NIC was only able to connect at 100MBit/FD. So after making sure that it's not my cables, switches (tried CISCO managed switch, Asus AP and a few others) I decided to go with original TBS build to see what ethtool advertising tells me on these builds so that I can make sure it's not a self made SW problem. Installing Ubunto 12.04 with MfgTool2 just did what it should, told me everything is ok.... reconnected everything to boot into the OS (sure I did switch from Update to Boot again) I was not able to get any picture at all. Well update errors happen so I thought let's try it again or upload some other image, but after MfgTool2 connects, load uboot and boots into OS the last thing that happens is that it enumerates the USB disk (so Linux Storage Gadget....) but than cannot proceed to create a FS on it. Looking in device manager and admin tools I see that the mass storage USB driver gets correctly installed and that Windows sees it (tried this on two PCs), but it has now idea about the size of the disk and can not create a partition. So my question now is is it just a FW problem because V2.3 seems rather new and I did not find anything about it on TBS web site or is my device simply broken?