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Combining TBS6280 & TBS6984 (T2 & S2)

Combining TBS6280 & TBS6984 (T2 & S2)

Postby MP99 » Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:53 pm

I'm looking to convert a PC into a combined Freesat HD & Freeview HD PVR. I'm considering combining the TBS6280 & TBS6984. Thought I might as well be first to post in this part of the forum.

PC is a 2.4GHz Core2 duo, 4GB RAM, HD2600 XT PCIe graphics on an Asus P5B-e plus mobo, running Vista Home Premium x64. Boot drive is an SSD, with a couple of 72GB Raptors for temp files and 1TB HD for video recordings.

No special audio requirements - will just run over HDMI through TV speakers.

1) Do these cards run under Vista / Vista Media Centre? (I would also consider other software under Vista, just looking at options).

2) Can they both be run in the same PC? Are the remotes compatible? How well do Freesat & Freeview co-exist?

3) The mobo has two free PCIe slots, one x1 and one x4. I understand x1 cards should work OK in the x4 slot, so I can use both?

4) Can these cards perform timed recordings if the PC has gone into standby?

5) Can I burn recorded HD programmes onto Blu-ray? (Not specifically a question about the cards, I know...)

6) What sort of disk(s) will I need to record multiple HD streams? I presume a 1TB HD would be up to this. (I have the disks to create a RAID-5 array, which would be great for the capacity, but presumably abysmal for recording performance?)

Thanks, Martin

PS I presume there isn't a 4-way DVB-T2 card on the way at any point... ?
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Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:01 pm

Re: Combining TBS6280 & TBS6984 (T2 & S2)

Postby steven » Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:03 pm

Hi MP99

Thanks for your interest about our new card.
For you question:
1) Do these cards run under Vista / Vista Media Centre? (I would also consider other software under Vista, just looking at options).
I do not advice you to use Vista Media Center ,why do not you try to use Win7 media center.

2) Can they both be run in the same PC? Are the remotes compatible? How well do Freesat & Freeview co-exist?
of course the can.

3) The mobo has two free PCIe slots, one x1 and one x4. I understand x1 cards should work OK in the x4 slot, so I can use both?
our PCIe card can install all pcie slot regardless it is x1 or x4 .

4) Can these cards perform timed recordings if the PC has gone into standby?
yes,no problem it can resume ok after sleep

5) Can I burn recorded HD programmes onto Blu-ray? (Not specifically a question about the cards, I know...)
yes , you can use some other soft to burn to Blu-ray.

6) What sort of disk(s) will I need to record multiple HD streams? I presume a 1TB HD would be up to this. (I have the disks to create a RAID-5 array, which would be great for the capacity, but presumably abysmal for recording performance?)
About this problem ,we have not tested ,maybe need you to find some result.sorry about this.

This is all my answer.

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Re: Combining TBS6280 & TBS6984 (T2 & S2)

Postby MP99 » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:04 pm


many thanks for your answers.

I don't want to pay for a licence for Windows 7 to use Win 7 Media Centre. Presumably the cards will work OK under Vista but with other PVR software?

cheers, Martin
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Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:01 pm

Re: Combining TBS6280 & TBS6984 (T2 & S2)

Postby okbet » Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:16 pm

MP99 Wrote:Steven

many thanks for your answers.

I don't want to pay for a licence for Windows 7 to use Win 7 Media Centre. Presumably the cards will work OK under Vista but with other PVR software?

cheers, Martin

Hi Martin,

Vista Media Center is not optimized for jobs like receiving DVB-S2, DVB-T2 channels, that's why MS updates to Win7 MCE. Anyway, there are lots of other free softwares for building up HTPC.

1) MediaPortal
you may read more about using MediaPortal with TBS6984 on TBS6984 section of the forum.

You may download from TBS website and more details can be found here

You may download from TBS website.
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Re: Combining TBS6280 & TBS6984 (T2 & S2)

Postby MP99 » Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:45 pm


many thanks.

Another question, if I may.

I have two outputs free on my existing LNB. Can I buy the four-tuner card and use just two tuners for now, then upgrade the LNB and use all four tuners later?

Thanks, Martin
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:01 pm

Re: Combining TBS6280 & TBS6984 (T2 & S2)

Postby steven » Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:53 pm

Hi MP99

Of course,you can use only one tuner too,this all depend on you.

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Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:23 pm

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