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Request: Update TBS driver DVBAPI version to 5.10

Request: Update TBS driver DVBAPI version to 5.10

Postby malakudi » Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:10 pm

TBS drivers currently support DVBAPI 5.3 . This can be seen in file ./linux/include/linux/dvb/version.h
This was fine with distros that used linux-headers 3.2 when compiling their binaries that need DVBAPI header files (like dvblast for example) but with newer distros that use linux-headers 3.16 (like Debian8) or later, the resulting binaries that are distributed with the distros are not compatible with the 5.3 API of the drivers. Then you need to manually recompile and this is not easy for many people.

Therefore, I would suggest that your driver team adapt to current DVBAPI version, which is for Linux kernel 3.10 and above the 5.10 version.
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Re: Request: Update TBS driver DVBAPI version to 5.10

Postby malakudi » Fri Nov 20, 2015 4:19 am

You published a new driver (20151115) but still no fix for the above mentioned issue. You claim Linux 4.3 support but you still export DVBAPI version 5.3 . You really need to upgrade your codebase to DVBAPI 5.10 , newer distros compile applications with DVBAPI 5.10 .
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Re: Request: Update TBS driver DVBAPI version to 5.10

Postby malakudi » Sat Jan 16, 2016 12:28 am

Yet another driver (20151229) and still no fix. You now claim 4.4 Linux kernel compatibilty but you still export DVBAPI version 5.3 . You really need to upgrade your codebase to DVBAPI 5.10 , newer distros compile applications with DVBAPI 5.10 . Does any developer read this? This is CRITICAL!
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Re: Request: Update TBS driver DVBAPI version to 5.10

Postby cody » Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:08 am

it's "critical and not easy for many people", but only in your own opinion, not in general case, because otherwise we will be flooded with many complains, but we're not! in fact we have no complains about it. i guess, there is good reason for that. so, majority of our Linux users are doing IPTV server solutions in Linux, they use same well-tested and stable environment deploying it to many locations, some of them even develop their own applications many years ago and hence not following API 5.10 and they don't want to spend further resources on changing that. even if the aforementioned doesn't apply and they are free to use any API version, most of those users providing IPTV solutions need anyway to rebuild the tools they are using, because the one provided with their Linux distribution are at best case the latest release version, not the current one from the code repository of the respective project where really critical for their work bugs are fixed. in any way, if someone needs fix, then the workaround is to change "/usr/include/linux/dvb/version.h" and rebuild, which for average Linux user is not complicated : viewtopic.php?f=77&t=8264#p28090
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Re: Request: Update TBS driver DVBAPI version to 5.10

Postby malakudi » Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:48 pm

This is not a valid answer. First of all, you claim Linux kernel 4.x support. Linux kernel since 3.10 supports 5.10 DVBAPI. So you should either be compatible or not.
Second, changing just the header file is not good enough. DVBAPI 5.10 supports MIS/PLS and other features as well, the whole API has changed and supports new features. You should stay compatible and support newer DVBAPI. For example, dvblast in newer distros is comiled with newer linux-headers, so it comes with support for DVBAPI 5.10. Then it doesn't work correctly when used with DVBAPI 5.3 drivers. You have to recompile dvblast yourself, forcing DVBAPI 5.3.

It's a matter of staying compatible with what Linux supports as DVBAPI or not. Linux decided to improve DVBAPI and upgraded the version to 5.10 since 30th of June 2013!!! It's not something done yesterday, it is an API almost three years ago! You can leave in ancient history if you want (3 years in computer technology is ancient) or start adapting to today's reality.

Personally, I am using ljalves drivers for older TBS products, because they are supporting DVBAPI 5.10 . However I can't use them for your newer products.
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Re: Request: Update TBS driver DVBAPI version to 5.10

Postby cody » Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:25 am

we support MIS/PLS, you don't need 5.10 for that, check the readmes or the forum:

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Re: Request: Update TBS driver DVBAPI version to 5.10

Postby malakudi » Tue May 10, 2016 10:41 pm

You suggest to patch programs. You should modify your drivers to support latest DVBAPI, not suggesting to patch programs.
And dvblast is not the only program in Linux
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Re: Request: Update TBS driver DVBAPI version to 5.10

Postby steven » Tue Dec 25, 2018 10:22 am

Hi lazerbeam84

what problem you have ? just search your email with our support can not find email . can you provide your email address we will check again


Kind Regards

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