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TBS TSrecorder GS streams?

TBS TSrecorder GS streams?

Postby Midwestmac » Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:42 am

Hello I have windowsXP a tbs6925 card and looking for unencrypted FTA signals. What I would like to do is to record a ACM/VCM continuous stream that I know is showing audio and video.

The card says it can do ACM/VCM and I noticed the TBS TSrecorder has an option for capture "TS" or "GS"
Can the Tsrecorder capture and record with the "GS" selected "raw" bbframes from a ACM/VCM continuouos Generic stream ?

If I can get a recording of the GSE headers that would help.
I can't find any info on the TSrecorder, I'm assuming the "capture GS" is for a signal of this type?
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Re: TBS TSrecorder GS streams?

Postby Midwestmac » Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:06 am


Hello I now have the newest Tbsrecorder for the 6925 working good with GS MIS ACM/VCM streams.
I have been able to record some "raw" BBframes Thankyou.

One problem I have is sometimes when I select the "input stream Identify" = 0 (for what I'm recording) the TBSrecorder APP
might flash for a second turn grey and lose lock.
Or It might stay locked on other signals until I start a recording then the app turns grey like it lost the signal but I still get a recording. I think the biggest recording I get without errors was 400mb's ,recording a GS MIS ACM/VCM signal

On other occasions Sometimes when it loses lock, it locks up my PCIe card. I can close the APP and try crazycats program and it says "Start dvbex failed". So I have to restart computer or now even more often, totally shutdown and power back on the computer.
In the pic below I actually get a recording with a few errors at the end of my recording
Question: In windows if I Hit "ctrl-alt-del" is there a process I can end thats locking up the card?
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