TBS5930 DVB-S2X/S2 TV Tuner USB card is an USB interface digital satellite external TV Tuner box for watching and recording Free to Air satellite TV on both desktop and laptop PC. It supports both DVB-S2 and DVB-S programs receiving. It's ready with Windows BDA driver and Linux driver. It's compatible with Windows7 Media Center, MediaPortal, DVBlink, DVBDream, DVBViewer, ProgDVB, Skynet, TSreader, XBMC, MythTV, VDR and many other popular DVB softwares.
TBS5930 equipped with advanced DVB-S2X RF/Demodulator chipsets and it's built with high quality components, it's ideal for watching many Free to Air (FTA) satellite TV programs and with VCM supports, which is considered as a professional TV tuner for industrial-level users.
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